Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What Did He Do?

Every once in a while, the kids will come home with a doozie. This is one of them.

But, rather than re-tell the story, I'll share with you the text of the note that I sent in to Owen's teacher.


April 22, 2008

Mrs. King,

So, what did he really do?

Shane gets in the car and says that Owen got sent to the principal for pulling down his pants and peeing in the playground mulch.

He says that Conor told him that Owen got sent to Mr. Roman.

{At this point, I interject and reminded Shane that when he was Owen’s age he did the same exact thing at my friend’s house in South Carolina with another boy right in the middle of a party with about 30 people standing around. But…I digress.)

Owen says *ie – screams* that no he didn’t and proceeds to tell me that he was checking his pants to see if he had an accident (and yes, we had a conversation then and there about the appropriate way to check yourself which did not include exposing yourself on the playground or sticking your hands in your pants).

He then goes onto tell me that he went inside with you to the bathroom.

And he washed his hands. Twice. That’s what took him so long. He was NOT at Mr. Roman’s office.

I have to be honest…if he did get sent to the principal, a) I’m surprised it took this long for his first trip, and b) it would not be the first time he’s been sent to the principal for pulling his pants down. You see…a boy in his preschool class would not leave him alone. Owen warned him multiple times. He wouldn’t listen so Owen did the only thing he could quickly think of. He turned around, pulled down his pants and shot him a moon.

He went right to the principal’s office. But the kid left him alone. (Annie' mom Elizabeth was his teacher. She can testify to this incident.)

We’ve been moon-free until this moment. We were on a roll. Life was so good.

So, what gives?

Have a great day!



Teacher in the middle said...

You gotta let us know what you found out! This is hilarious! And believe me...I understand your situation! :)

ginny said...

I am rolling on the floor laughing! I can just see him screaming at you- I didn't do that! Gotta love him (He must get that from his dad's side!) Or maybe "showing his goods" is just from the male DNA!

Kim Eckhardt said...

Well, apparently Owen was protesting for an actual reason this time. Except he DID pull down his pants but he did NOT go to the principal.

Fortunately, the only one who saw it was Shane and Mrs. King said that when she asked him what happened, he got really upset and his little lip started quivering so she just took him to the bathroom.

I guess the good thing to come out of this is that Owen now knows HOW to check himself for accidents.

Groan and LOL all at the same time.