Monday, April 28, 2008

To Mr. Kuhns

Mr. Kuhns,

I am sorry for questioning the 2 that you gave Shane on his report card for proper oral communication. You were right. I was wrong. (And, I don't say that very often to anyone even if it is true.)

SHANE: Mom, I think I have a bad cold. I blew my nose this morning and now it's all stuffy again. Did you ever have to take dramastic measures to clear your nose?

DRAMASTIC. LOL. That's good stuff. Or, stuffy. LOL.

Happy Monday!



Teacher in the middle said...

LOL! Dramastic! What about this one??? My children BOTH (the 9 year old and the 6 year old) have callapiters in a garden at school! CALLAPITERS! Funny!

Queen of her Castle said...

I often have to take dramastic measures to do lots of things. LOL! Aren't kids funny?

Becky W