Thursday, August 21, 2008

156 Days



This was what Santa left for us while we were at Disney - a tree that fell only halfway over and had to be cut down. Right beside the house. I "guess" we were naughty last year.

I have no excuse other than we sux.

We are sooooooo on top of things.

* Thanks to Scott for cutting down the tree!

** And, thanks to Michael for helping Ken haul it away.


Josie Thames said...

No. Y'all weren't bad; that's not why Santa let a tree fall in your yard. Santa was jealous.

KenDC said...

Wait, 156 days is bad? I had not chain saw nor pickup. Not to mention I had to fight a snake in the process.

Plus, the tree didn't hit the house, so I think it was more of a warning from Santa....but I can't help being naughty. :)

Queen of her Castle said...

Really, sounds like projects around my house. I have a nice picture sitting on the floor of the kids bathroom. It's been there oh, six months. I would hang the thing myslef but if I did it would be crooked becasue it'sone of those double hanger screw thingies. But really crooked might be nicer than on the floor.

Kim Eckhardt said...

Ken, I said that "we" sux. Not "you." Anyway, I told you that if we didn't get the wood up, snakes would habitate there. But, you forgot that I told you. I did. But, was a warning and you are naughty. Anyway, I think that I have more outstanding projects than you do for sure.

Becky, if it makes you feel better, I have shelves that I've had proped up against the laundry room to hang for at least a year. yeah. Maybe I'll finish that one day. ;)

Anonymous said...

Sent you and e-mail w pics... to show you what REAL projects on up and help...Ill put you right to work