Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Are you a list maker? If you are, you know what "CHECK" means without reading any further.

You get a great deal of satisfaction out of taking your pen and writing a big check beside of that number, bullet point or whatever it is that you use to make your list with.


Yep. You see, I'm a list maker.

A list for the grocery store.

A list for Costco.

A list for stuff to do for my clients.

A list of stuff to do for Ken's agency.

A list of pictures to send out to people or cards to send out or presents to buy.

A list of people to call about various things.

A list of things to buy for the house.

A daily list of chores for housework.

A master list of big projects that need to be done around the house.

A list of errands that I need to run during the day.

A list of things that I'm doing for the kids school.

A list of random crap to do.

blah, blah, blah.

People are always adding to my list too which inevitably shifts the order that things must be done in around. You know what I'm talking about, don't ya?

Sometimes I forget to actually write things on the list but do them anyway. Of course, I want credit for them so I go and write the item on the list and then check it off. CHECK. It feels good. God, it's a sad life that I lead, isn't it?

I usually make a list of things that need to get done on the weekend for Ken. I've caught him adding to the list and then checking it off. CHECK. He wants credit too. It's a sad life he leads, isn't it?

So...back to my current to-do list. I've had a ton of things on my "really want to do but just haven't had the time" list. One of those being paint Shane's room. I had every intention of painting it when I put the color splotch on the wall five months ago. I bought the paint, the rollers, the tape and everything else I would need and put it in his closet to do immediately. Well...

CHECK. It's done. Yay me! Five months later. Oh well. A check is a check, right?!


I just couldn't get rid of his handprints from when he was three. I'm already planning on letting him have the backroom and taking his room for my office when he's older and embarrassed about them. :) But...shush. Don't tell him. I'm going to use it as ammo to get something. I just haven't figured that part out yet.

There was only one casualty in the entire painting process. Sorry, little pumpking bear.

Oh...and proof that Ken helped.

Here's how it was done:

Of course, as most projects go, even this can not be checked off of my list completely because the picture that I had framed to hang needs a stronger hook which I have to go out and buy. And then actually put up. Any bets on how long that will take?


My list is never ending.

When we were in Disney, we were in Minnie Mouse's house. Even Minnie had a to-do list. I remember thinking to myself..."even Minnie has a to-do list." Check out her list. She recycles...awesome. I knew I liked her. :o)

Of course, some things do fall off of the list eventually without ever being done. I mean, after so long, what's the point? But, whatever. I'll take that and CHECK. Another thing off my list.

And, now I can CHECK. Another entry in my blog. Yay me!

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