And, sometimes, they're just uncooperative and grumpy period. So, what's a mom to do? Well, of course. Pick up the camera and continue shooting pictures. Those are some of the best photos! You know - the ones to show their future girlfriends. I don't just shoot nice, smiling pictures of happy children. No siree. I get the ones that they are crying, fussing, throwing a temper tantrum and being real. Those are pure gold.
Let's take a look, shall we?
"Mooooommmmmmmm, don't. It's not funny anymore......"
"Yeah, this new stadium is great and I know that you paid a lot of money to bring us and I know that the game is about to start. But, didn't you hear me say that I was hungry? I want a $12.00 hotdog now."
This is Owen at his most Oweney. I just wanted to see the first pitch. That was it. Well, Ken saw the first pitch and I took them to get hotdogs. I'm a sucker. He was hungry after all and if you know Owen, you know that you don't come between him and his food. It was only going to get uglier. He's 40 pounds of lean mean eating machine. :)
"Mooooommmmmmmmmmm, stop. You just wait until I get a hold of that camera............"
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