Friday, March 7, 2008

Wide Awake

I've been wide awake since 3:30 am.

I know that you're asking yourself why in heavens name have I been up since then.

Well, I had one of those dreams that woke me up and it was just so awful and real that I couldn't go back to sleep. Oh, I tried. But I just laid there until 4:30. Then I gave up and just got up.

What was it about? Well, we were in a open car trolley of some sort and the driver stopped the train at our stop and somehow Owen managed to get off first and went to the sidewalk. Ken, Shane and I were stuck in the isle of the trolley (it was very narrow and people's legs and stuff were crowding the isle). Before we could get off, the driver shut the doors and started pulling away. But, she was driving backwards. The train was on some sort of tracks.

As we were pulling away, I was standing right beside her telling her to stop the train. I could see Owen standing at the intersection (it was a four-way stoplight on a busy intersection) and he was getting smaller and smaller as she was pulling away. He was running towards us. Every time I told her to stop the train, she started laughing sadistically and said only if I asked nicely, taking great joy in both my and Owen's terror. She could see him running towards us. At first I played her game and asked nicely. Then I started getting really pissed off. And scared. I could see Owen crying and he was scared. And I was worried about him running into traffic and getting hit by a car because the road was busy.

Then I forced myself to wake up. It was way too real.

When I woke up, I was terrified and scared. And extremely pissed off. I wanted to rip that woman's face off.

I'm glad it was just a dream. But, you can be sure that I'll be holding his hand tightly when we go on the metro next time.

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