Friday, May 9, 2008

Let's Blow Some Stuff Up!

I signed Owen and Shane up for a science class at the local parks and recs center. Shane has taken them before but Owen hadn't. Owen was totally excited after the first class.

He came running out yelling that they got to blow stuff up. kidding. I can see that you got to blow stuff up.

His teacher was so nice that she even sent home the offending substance, which Owen insisted on keeping. Of course, Owen had already torn up the aluminum foil that covered it.

But, fortunately, being the prepared soccer mom that I am, I had a zip lock bag in my backpack and I zipped it up.

I sat it on the counter for a day so Owen could see it and then I put it out of sight. Once I knew that he had forgotten about it, I threw it away.

And, as usually happens once I go into my 007 mode, he asked about it.

I denied throwing it away and gave him a cookie. This promptly diverted his attention (men in training - heh) and he hasn't asked about it since.

Just in case you're wondering, Shane came out of it without anything on him. :)

Happy Friday!

PS - If you're wondering what the substances were, it was baking soda and vinegar. I told them that since they now figured out how to use it, they could now clean the toilets. ;)


ginny said...

I would definately hide the vinegar bottle! They'll be blowing the house up.

Anonymous said...

OMG...this is too funny...KIM the blond soccer MOM, with terrorist kids learning to blow up things.....and for the local newscast on this girl...OK FOLKS.....stay tuned....FILM at 11...
Kim you are a piece of work...
Ginny how did you ever cope?

Kim Eckhardt said...

Yes, Don. I am a piece of work. For sure. LOL.

ginny said...

Let me tell you Don, sometimes all I did was cope!!! What one didn't think of, the other one did! I guess my joy now is seeing that God is fair- they both have kids that outdo them! There is justice in this world!
I can't wait til the kids are teenagers!